6 Tips for Choosing the Right Real Estate Agent

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6 Tips For Choosing The Right Real Estate Agent


Buying or selling a home is one of the biggest decisions you'll ever make. It's also an intensely personal decision that requires careful thought, research and planning. Real estate agents are trained professionals who can help guide you through the process. A good agent will provide objective advice, valuable insights into the market and invaluable assistance in finding the right property for your needs. But finding the right real estate agent isn't always easy — especially if this is your first time buying or selling a home. To get started on your search for an agent who's right for you:

Understand what's important to you

Before you begin your search for a real estate agent, it's important to understand what is most important to you in an agent. The best way to do that is by considering the following questions:

  • What are the factors that will influence your decision?

  • What is your timeline? (The length of time you have available to find and buy a home)

  • What is your budget? (The amount of money that you can spend on buying or selling a home in total)

  • What are your goals for this process? (Buying or selling a home)

  • What are your expectations for the process?

Do your research

The internet is a great place to start your research. You can look at real estate agent websites and see which agents are active in the area that you want to buy or sell a home. You can also check out online reviews of agents on sites like Yelp and Zillow, which will give you an idea of how other clients feel about them. If you’re looking for an agent who specializes in short sales or luxury homes, there are many resources available online that can help you find someone who fits the bill (or who doesn’t).

Once you have some names of potential candidates, it’s important to do more research before making any final decisions about who to hire—even if your gut tells you one person will be perfect for the job!

Make a list of questions to ask real estate agents.

You can also make a list of questions to ask real estate agents. If you're looking for an agent, ask them about their experience, training, education and past clients. You should also ask about the communication style they use with clients, how they market themselves and their negotiation skills.

You'll want to know what kind of availability they offer as well as their fees before committing to one particular agent.

Be honest and direct with agents you interview.

This may seem obvious, but be honest and direct with agents you interview. You'll want to be clear about your budget, what you want to do with the property (rent or flip?), and how long you're planning on staying in town. Don't be afraid to ask for help if something is confusing or not working out as planned—the agent has been thoroughly trained on the process and will be more than happy to help!

Put yourself first when deciding who to hire as your real estate agent

When deciding who to hire as your real estate agent, it is important to put yourself first. This means being honest with yourself about what you need and want from an agent.

Think about the following questions:

  • What do I want from my agent? How will I feel if I don't get the results I want?

  • Is this person someone that I can trust and work with easily in order to achieve my goals?

  • Will we have a good relationship throughout this process if we both have our own ideas about how things should be done, or does one of us have more control than the other (and why)?

Take this process seriously to avoid regrets down the road.

In the midst of it all, it's easy to get swept up in the excitement and forget that this is a big commitment. You should have as much time as you need to find an agent who's right for you. Don't rush into anything simply because a deadline looms. If at any point during your search process you feel like someone isn't quite right for your needs or personality, don't be afraid to cut ties with them and try again! If they're not what they promised they'd be, then they aren't doing their job very well.


The best way to find the right real estate agent is to be honest with yourself about what you want and then take your time in finding out who is best suited for the job. This process can be a bit overwhelming at first, but if you keep it simple and focus on what's important to YOU, then you'll end up with an agent who will work diligently on your behalf.